Sherlock Holmes


… the costumes, the characters, the plot, and the stream of consciousness of Holmes, played by Robert Downey Jr. (whose upper English dialect is pitch-perfect), gives this film a fun personality. Guy Ritchie outdid his abilities as a film-maker on this one. Snatch and Lock, Stock, and Two Smocking Barrels are enjoyable because of their Tarantinoesque personality, but Holmes seems to be Ritchie’s dream project, which puts him at the top of his game. He deserves the attention because this piece of cinema manages to accomplish the adventure genre in a unique way. This film is stylish, witty, organized, and colorful, which makes this Ritchie’s most personable film thus far. He accomplishes this without ever deviating from the psychological stimulus that allows the Sherlock Holmes stories to be incredibly enticing for readers. This needs to be stressed: watch, watch, watch; disappointment for this film is leagues away.



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