Invitation Only (2009)


Taiwan’s first ever slasher horror is also a porn film. The sequence of the film goes like this: sexy girls dancing and kissing, boobs, sex, more boobs, sex, gore, gore, gore, and finally, more sexy girls. I did not expect much of a plot since I knew this is a slasher flick, but seriously, the weak attempts at the justification of the killer’s motives was unnecessary. Yup, the word unnecessary basically describes the entire movie. And there were some scenes in it which were nothing short of bizarre; particularly, the scene where the main character squishes a cockroach and wipes its squashed liquid on the wall, followed by a shot of the cockroach crawling away with its entrails hanging out. I’ve to admit, the reason why I watched this film was because of Maria Ozawa, and after watching it, I’d advise the company that made this to cut out the rest of the garbage and market it as another one of Maria’s works. Also, Maria was only in some scenes and she died way too early into the movie. Stay away from it.





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